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building line 建筑界限,房基線。

building machine

Where the building lot for a building and connected facilities in a hot spring area is subject to a restriction requiring the installation of a pedestrian footpath to be set back from the building line or the side of a roadway within the building lot , the city / county ( municipal ) government with due jurisdiction shall consider the particular situation of the hot spring area in setting the principles for review of the setback distance or exemption from setback in accordance with article 263 , paragraph 2 of the building design and construction section of the building technical regulations 溫泉區建筑物及相關設施之建筑基地,受應自建筑線或基地內通路邊退縮設置人行步道之限制者,直轄市、縣(市)政府應考量溫泉區特殊情形,依建筑技術規則建筑設計施工編第二百六十三條第二項規定,就退縮距離或免予退縮,訂定認定原則審查。

The wet method of building lining in medium frequency electric furnace is that the lining materials is tamped after a certain proportion of water is added into the refractory materials and then mixed evenly 摘要中頻電爐濕法筑爐是在筑爐材料中加入一定量的水,混合均勻后,用濕法打結爐襯。

Iron - clad buildings line the streets , and emergency fire escapes stick out of the houses as if they were the stairs of a ship about to dock in a harbor 街道兩側林立著鐵鑄建筑,而緊急火災出口從這些房屋中凸伸出來,仿佛它們就是一艘即將停泊入港的輪船的舷梯。

The old city is a maze : three - and four - story building line the narrow streets , which seldom run straight for more than a few hundred yards 舊城宛如迷宮:三、四層樓的建筑在狹窄街道的兩旁林立,很少街道在幾百碼之后還維持筆直。

Question 4 : would you provide us with the design area scope , esp . the right - of - way and the building line 能否明確本次設計可規劃范圍,特別是站房用地紅線及建筑控制線范圍?